In Latin, are spoken numbers constructed in the same style as Roman numerals? For example, in English, 1999 is spoken as “one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine,” which matches the Arabic numeral construction. In Roman numerals you would write MIM. (Actually, in ancient Rome, you would have written MCMXCVIIII). So would the words in Latin be something like “thousand plus thousand minus one”?
Monthly Archives: March 2010
This is why I love my church
Where else are people this creative about doing good?
Easter Canned Goods Hunt!
Instead of the traditional Easter egg hunt, we are holding a canned goods hunt! All cans of food found by the children will be donated to Joyce Food Shelf. You can help by bringing a can of food (or two!) to the Easter service on Sunday, April 4th and hiding it somewhere in the social hall or the chalice room before you go to the sanctuary for either service. You will be helping to create a fun activity for our children and providing a service ministry at the same time!
(From email to parents.)
Letter to congress
I don’t normally write to Congress, but I just sent the following to my representatives.
Nigerian scam via snail mail
Here’s a surprise. I got a letter in the mail, all the way from Spain. Complete with Spanish postmark. Apparently the scam is profitable enough that they are spending real money on postage.